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Ensemble Transience:Jazz Across Boundaries —

Outreach & Incubation 

由滴音樂主辦,《瞬・樂團:爵士無界限——推廣與培育》是一個為期一年半的音樂計劃。一方面「440」系列邀請多位重量級海內外音樂人在網上或親身來港培訓學員,配合大型音樂會和錄音項目,開拓學員和觀眾的眼界;另一方面計劃與多個社區組織和非牟利機構合作,舉辦十八場「Drip Drop」免費社區音樂體驗,將爵士音樂帶進社區。

"Ensemble Transience: Jazz Across Boundaries — Outreach & Incubation" is a 1.5-year programme presented by Drip Music. The programme’s "440" series brings together a lineup of award-winning instructors to train local talents as well as presents 2 major concerts and a recording project. Additionally, its “Drip Drop” series will collaborate with various public and non-profit organisations to host free community concerts, providing more audiences with the opportunity to experience jazz.

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