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Drip Drop:社區音樂體驗 
Drip Drop: Community Music Experience 

「Drip Drop」社區音樂體驗與學校、社區組織和非牟利機構合作,舉辦共十八節多元音樂體驗,每節均為特定觀眾群量身定製,費用全免。

"Drip Drop: Community Music Experience" aims to bring diverse music experiences into the community. We collaborate with schools as well as public and non-profit organisations to present 18 community music experience sessions. The activities are tailor-made for targeted audience groups and are free of charge.


社區音樂體驗 @ 明愛樂進學校
Community Music Exp. @ Cartias Lok Jun School


首場社區音樂體驗於明愛樂進學校舉行,由 ONE Harmony Drumming Facotry 的 Halen(主唱及敲擊)、Cecilia(單簧管)、Pakying(鍵琴)、Celia(主唱)和 Pitshu(康加鼓),向中度智障的學生分享非洲音樂、爵士樂及聖誕歌曲。一眾師生嘗試與表演者以節奏一唱一和,用音樂對話。

The first community music experience was held at the Caritas Lok Jun School. ONE Harmony Drumming Factory musicians Halen (Vocal & Percussion), Cecilia (Clarinet), Pakying (Piano), Celia (Vocal) and Pitshu (Conga) shared African music, jazz and Christmas tunes with students with moderate intellectual disabilities. All students and teachers got to do some call and response with the musicians, creating a fun interaction.


社區音樂體驗 @ 賽馬會匡智學校
Community Music Exp. @ The Jockey Club Hong Chi School

是次社區音樂體驗邀請到鋼琴手 Yam Wong和歌手 Candace Lee為中度智障學生帶來爵士樂與踢躂舞體驗。同學們以不同的節奏敲擊樂器創出快樂節奏,又嘗試即興歌聲練習。


活動當日除了學習音樂和舞蹈外,𣊬·樂團社區拓展及教育經理 Sheeta Ng更指導匡智合唱團,帶來《Catch a Falling Star》歌舞表演。

Pianist Yam Wong and Singer Candace Lee brought a day of jazz rhythm and tap dance to children with moderate grade intellectual disabilities. 


The students followed along the happy beats with different percussive instruments and tried out vocal improvisation. Led by our very own Community Outreach & Education Manager Sheeta Ng, the Hong Chi choir also made a special appearance and performed “Catch a Falling Star” with some choreography.




社區音樂體驗 @ 美國國際學校
Community Music Exp. @ American International School

是次社區音樂體驗邀請到樂手 Yam Wong、Brian Cheung、Makaa Ma和 Jerry Kan 大玩充滿活力的爵士樂曲,舞者 Kayi 和 Jose 帶着近三百個學生跳鎖舞,用身體與音樂對話。大家的手手腳腳繞到上天落地,玩得非常盡興。

Nearly 300 students of the American International School explored jazz music and locking in the third Community Music Experience. Kayi and Jose danced along the funky grooves played by Yam Wong, Brian Cheung, Makaa Ma, and Jerry Kan. Everyone was super into the interactive dancing sessions and ended the school day in high spirits.


社區音樂體驗 @ 長沙灣天主教英文中學
Community Music Exp. @ Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School

是次社區音樂體驗邀請到三位香港新晉爵士音樂人Yam Wong、Vera Lai及Cyan Chan組成三重奏, 為師生及家長演奏共六首爵士樂歌曲,歌曲風格包括現代爵士樂、以爵士樂曲風改編的英文、廣東話流行曲等。同場三重奏亦與WeWah合唱團合奏一曲。

This community music experience invited three emerging jazz musicians from Hong Kong, Yam Wong, Vera Lai, and Cyan Chan to form a trio. They performed a total of six jazz songs for the students, teachers and parents. The repertoire ranged from modern jazz, pop tunes and Cantopop songs adapted in a jazz style. The trio also collaborated with the WeWah Choir to perform a song together.




社區音樂體驗 @ 香港兆基創意書院 
Community Music Exp. @ Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

是次音樂體驗結合爵士樂和靜觀練習,為香港兆基創意書院教師發展日而設。音樂人Teriver Cheung帶來結他獨奏及爵士樂分享,再由瑜珈導師 Virgina Law 在即興音樂演奏下帶領呼吸和瑜珈練習,讓參加者提升身心覺察,在忙碌的工作和生活中獲得放鬆。


This community music experience combined jazz music and mindfulness practices, and is specially designed for the teachers' development day at the Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity . Musician Teriver Cheung presented a guitar solo and a sharing on jazz music, while yoga instructor Virginia Law guided participants in breathwork and yoga practice accompanied by improvised music. The aim was to enhance participants' body-mind awareness and provide relaxation amidst busy work and life schedules.


社區音樂體驗 @ 佛教覺光法師中學
Community Music Exp. @ Buddhist Kok Kwong Secondary School


This community music experience realised a cross-disciplinary collaboration between music and visual arts, merging improvisational jazz music with artistic creation. Pianist Bowen Li led over a hundred students in body percussion, using rhythm to engage in a dialogue with their own bodies. Following that, while Bowen played improvised jazz piano, six visual arts students painted characters they created on the canvas prepared by visual artist Zoie Lam.




社區音樂體驗 @ 明愛馬鞍山中學
Community Music Exp. @ Caritas Ma On Shan Secondary School

我們與明愛馬鞍山中學合作,舉辦由ONE Harmony Drumming Factory主領的非洲音樂表演。是次社區音樂體驗為學校試後活動之一,希望透過熱情洋溢的非洲音樂,為同學注入活力。

In collaboration with Caritas Ma On Shan Secondary School, we have organised an African music performance led by ONE Harmony Drumming Factory. This community music experience is one of the post-exam activities of the school, aiming to inject energy into the students through passionate and vibrant African Music 


社區音樂體驗 @ 賽馬會啟藝學苑
Community Music Exp. @ Jockey Club Artspiration Academy

我們與賽馬會啟藝學苑合作,為由智障人士組成的舞蹈團「心飛舞團」帶來充滿活力的音樂活動。本地鋼琴家Yam Wong及音樂治療師Diana Chan帶領了與音樂結合的舞動、歌唱以及音樂合奏,讓舞蹈團成員體驗音樂的樂趣。

In collaboration with the Jockey Club Artspiration Academy, we offered a living music experience for Dancing Heart Troupe, a dance group formed by individuals with intellectual disabilities. Local pianist Yam Wong and music therapist Diana Chan led a variety of activities, including movements with music, singing, and music ensemble for the group to experience the joy of music.




社區音樂體驗 @ 舍區:動物流 x 爵士樂
Community Music Exp. @ Quarryside : Animal Flow x Jazz Music

我們邀請了癌症康復者及動物流(Animal Flow)教練Clark Cheung,在音樂人Teriver Cheung和Floro Sernande Jr的即興音樂演奏下,帶領年輕癌症患者配合節拍,學習動物流運動。是次社區音樂體驗旨在讓參加者鍛鍊身心,同時享受音樂即興演奏。

Cancer survivor and fitness coach Clark Cheung guided a group of young cancer patients to learn a body movement exercise called “Animal Flow.” At the same time, musicians Teriver Cheung and Floro Sernande Jr played music that complements and facilitates the exercise. This community music experience aimed to empower young cancer patients with body movements, while enjoying the music improvisation performance.


社區音樂體驗 @ 癌症資訊網
Community Music Exp. @

​是次社區音樂體驗結合爵士樂即興和音樂靜觀。在結他手Teriver Cheung的即興結他演奏下,音樂治療師Nicole Chow帶領音樂靜觀練習,讓癌症患者及照顧者透過呼吸、身體律動及發聲練習,提升內在覺察及紓緩各種不適,令身心獲得放鬆。

This music experience combined jazz improvisation and music mindfulness. Guitarist Teriver Cheung presented an improvisation performance, while music therapist Nicole Chow guided cancer patients and their carers in breathwork, body movements, and vocal exercises. The session allowed participants to enhance inner awareness, alleviate discomfort, and relax the mind and body. 

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社區音樂體驗 @ 舍區:和聲合唱團 x 翻騰合唱部落 
Community Music Exp. @ Voices for Harmony x Fountain Vocal Tribe


The community music experience was a heartwarming celebration of music and community. Voices for Harmony, a choir formed by individuals with moderate intellectual disabilities, took center stage, joined by Fountain Vocal Tribe, a talented jazz a cappella group. Together, they performed two uplifting songs, and the audience members joined them in a grand sing-along.


社區音樂體驗 @ 登臺
Community Music Exp. @ Hotel Stage

是次社區音樂體驗邀請了國際著名音樂人Justin Stanton,與Teriver Cheung和CY Leo 同台合奏,讓公眾在輕鬆的氣氛下享受高質素的爵士音樂演出。我們更邀請了Drip Drop的社區合作夥伴來一起分享音樂。


In this community music experience,  we have invited the world-renowned musician Justin Stanton to perform with Teriver Cheung and CY Leo. In a relaxing atmosphere, the audience enjoyed high-quality live jazz music. The representatives of our community partners were also invited to share the joy of music.




社區音樂體驗 @ 零碳天地
Community Music Exp. @ Zero Carbon Park 


We invited local musician Hak Gwai to blend traditional Chinese instruments with indigenous sounds from around the world, bringing us a meditative musical experience. This musical experience aims to connect nature and the soul, inspiring the audience to embark on a journey towards a green lifestyle and feel the harmonious resonance of nature together.

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