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440 Boot Camp S1

導師         Insturctors:

張駿豪       Teriver Cheung 
雷柏熹       Patrick Lui
陳衍光       Samuel Chan
陳君豪       Howe Chen 
李梓禾       Bowen Li
唐達           Tat Tong 
張德銘       Derrick Sepnio
朱肇階       Daniel Chu
張貝芝       Joyce Cheung 

蘇道哲       Sotoc

卓可榮       Kerong Chok 

Richard Furch 
Lex Sadler
Justin Stanton
Becca Stevens 

《瞬・樂團:爵士無界限——推廣與培育》推出「440 音樂訓練課程」,邀請到多位海內外知名音樂人舉辦工作坊和密集特訓營,當中包括多位屢獲格林美獎和金曲獎殊榮及提名的樂手和製作人,向有志發展音樂事業的朋友傾囊相授。課程一共兩季,每季共十九堂,涵蓋音樂製作、作曲及編曲,以及演奏三大範疇。


「440 音樂訓練課程」第一季於 2024 年 2 月至 8 月舉行。課程公開招募香港樂手、唱作人、樂隊、作曲、編曲及製作人報名。 在兩節迎新環節後,課程舉辦由海外音樂人主講的線上課堂,每位導師就其最擅長的專業領域進行分享及指導。課程同時舉辦由本地導師主理的線下工作坊,跟學員親身交流。


在每季課程結束前,三位海外星級導師將來港指導密集特訓營。第一季訪港音樂人為爵士樂隊 Snarky Puppy 小號手、鍵琴手、作曲家及製作人 Justin  Stanton;涉獵多種曲風的知名當代女聲 Becca Stevens;以及活躍於紐約、以混合電子樂和現場樂器見稱的低音結他手 Lex Sadler。


計劃亦會向學員徵集原創作品,獲評審挑選的一首優秀作品在錄音後將交給美國殿堂級音樂製作人 Richard Furch 親自混音,成品其後在網上發佈。


"Ensemble Transience: Jazz Across Boundaries — Outreach & Incubation” proudly presents its flagship programme “440 Boot Camp”, which has invited renowned music creatives from around the world to generously share their knowledge and experience with aspiring music professionals in Hong Kong. The star-studded instructor lineup includes Grammy and Golden Melody award winners and nominees. There will be a total of two seasons, each consisting of 19 sessions that will cover three major areas: music production, composition and arrangement, and performance. Each season will conclude with an intensive course led by three overseas instructors who will travel to Hong Kong.


“440 Boot Camp: Season 1” takes place from February to August 2024. Through open recruitment, local musicians, singer-songwriters, bands, composer, arrangers and producers have joined the programme. Following two orientation sessions, participants join a series of online classes led by overseas music professionals and in-person workshops led by local instructors. The visiting artists of season 1 are Justin Stanton (trumpeter, keyboardist and composer-producer from Snarky Puppy); Becca Stevens (versatile singer-songwriter known for her cross-genre music); and Lex Sadler (bass player who specialises in combining synthesisers and live instruments).


The programme will also invite participants to submit original compositions, from which one outstanding piece will be chosen for recording. Multi-Grammy award-winning music engineer Richard Furch will personally mix the selected piece for online release.

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