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𣊬‧樂團 Ensemble Transience

爵士室樂團「瞬・樂團」於2017年成立。樂團致力與現代爵士樂和古典樂音樂家合作,發揮音樂創作和即興演奏的創意可能。瞬・樂團創辦人張駿豪(Teriver Cheung)在過去五年多,積極在香港推廣爵士音樂和教育,更善用其遍佈全球的聯繫,成就國際音樂交流和合作。



Ensemble Transience, established in 2017, is a jazz chamber ensemble committed to unleash creative possibilities in composition and improvisation by working with modern jazz and classical musicians. Founder of the ensemble, Teriver Cheung has been actively promoting jazz music and education in Hong Kong for over half a decade, making international musical exchanges and collaborations possible with his global connections. 


“Ensemble Transience—Encore” offers jazz workshops and music camps to nurture a new generation of music talents. Along with regular workshops, we invite overseas musicians and artists from different backgrounds for exchanges. We also introduce refreshing music experiences to the public through community concerts, cross-disciplinary concerts, and music festivals.

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